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de Hewitt House of Publications and Radio Changes Battle Tactics and Joins Forces with Revision Media

I'd like to say hello and greetings to all de Hewitt House of Publications readers and Radio listeners. This is William de Hewitt writing... I'd like to take the time to inform all of you exactly what the situation I've been facing is... Last November, my old de Hewitt House of Publications and Radio websites were scrubbed from the internet by jews in the ADL who thought I was a little too accurate in my articles and radio broadcasts concerning their worldwide parasitism, terrorism and genocide against my/our Aryan Race. Since then, I started a new website here at Blogspot. It's been a very difficult and slow work in progress. Things have been going relatively well under the circumstances... until recently that is. Just the other day, I noticed that several of my articles and radio show posts/publications I have made disappeared from this website, which is extremely frustrating and angering to me. 

After my wife, Helga passed away last year from ovarian cancer, my life changed drastically... especially financially. When Helga was alive, I was able to afford Wi-Fi, which allowed me to have internet 24/7/365. When running a website and doing a radio show 3-5 times a week, having the internet 24/7/365 is a necessity. These days, I'm lucky if I can afford to be online 2 days a week let alone keep up with my deleted/scrubbed Publications and doing at least one weekly broadcast.

It's more than frustrating when I republish past articles and radio shows and then to find that they've been scrubbed by the next time I'm able to buy data and get online again. I have 100+ past articles, 100+ past radio shows to republish as well as my current and future work to publish when I'm able to afford to get online again. Having to republish articles and shows I have already published several times keeps me from publishing more of my work from the past, present and future.

Are you starting to get the picture and understand my dilemma, Folks?

If you as a reader and listener of de Hewitt House of Publications and Radio value my hard work, creativity, and knowledge please consider donating. Buying data/internet in South Africa is much more expensive than in the Junited States. I will use your donations to buy data or hopefully Wi-Fi monthly, so I can be online 24/7/365 and keep up the good fight. I take my work fighting against and ending White Genocide very seriously. I want to be online battling as a warrior for the Aryan Race against our jew enemies, but I honestly cannot afford it anymore. Having $hekle$ to be online is only half my battle. As many of you know, I've also been battling a very severely painful lower back and sciatica nerve in my right leg, which makes it very difficult for me to sit down for long and to sleep. I've also been having trouble buying my medication to treat my chronic lower back vertebrae and sciatica nerve pain.

I have so much effective past work (articles and radio shows) to republish that our enemies are scared to death of as well as work I've yet to publish and do. My understanding evolves everyday, which means my message becomes more clear and easier to teach to those who cannot see that our Aryan Race is being genocided by jews and their non-White proxy armies. Even our own Folk are working against their own Aryan Race by being indoctrinated in the schools that the enemy CONtrols. The jew enemy sets the agenda and curriculum in Public and Private school, including the Juniversity System. I do my best to counter their deadly parasitical and terrorist agenda, which is genociding my Aryan Race. They know that the information I publish is absolutely correct therefore they will do anything to shut me up and censor me, so that our more naive and uninformed Aryan Folk will never receive the valuable information and message I have been teaching and sharing with everyone... for FREE for the past 7+ years.

It really is painful for me to be forced to sit on the sidelines when I can clearly see that my Aryan Race is being genocided by jews, especially because I have all of this valuable information to share with my Folk. Unfortunately, I'm going to be a much less active Aryan warrior and priest unless our Folk, who have $hekle$ start to fund individuals like myself, so that I can continue to do the great and noble work I want to do. Please, Folks... start to support me financially or in any other way you can to help me to do my job. (Again, which I do for FREE)

I Am, William de Hewitt, a "White Separatist" Aryan Warrior and Priest. I think it's very important that we become both a noble Aryan warrior and priest who understands and fights against our jew enemies wisely and effectively. As a "White Separatist," I do not desire to "lord over" or oppress non-Whites. I simply desire the freedom to live in peace amongst my own Aryan Race and only my White Aryan Race. Jews will not allow this though. Parasite jews insist upon inserting themselves and their various non-White proxy armies into our White nations that they have inverted, subverted, perverted and ultimately taken over and broken down over the centuries, which has genocided our once great Aryan Society and Folk.

The last thing I want for my noble Aryan Folk and I is to fall into one of the jew's many traps. The jews have mastered the art of depicting and labeling our well intentioned Aryan Folk as these awful terrorists or Hollywood "bagel naaaazis." These naive and mislead "bagel nazis" of our own Aryan Race make it easy for the terrorist jew enemy to make us appear as "White Supremacists," "Nazis" and/or "Terrorists" in their fictitious jew media.

So, until this support or reinforcement I desperately need comes through, I'm forced to give up on my own website at this time and focus on contributing elsewhere at sites like Revision Media. I will try my best to continue doing my weekly radio show over at Revision Media in the mean time. I currently have 7 archived episodes of No Separation, No Peace there. I'm extremely grateful Richard has offered me a Wednesday evening time slot (7PM South Africa Time - 1PM Eastern Standard Time)

I'll also try to keep republishing my past radio shows and publishing my future radio show broadcasts at until every last show has been uploaded and available for everyone to listen to.

I truly take my work and message seriously, Folks. Our jew enemies do too, or else they would not be going through all of this trouble of censoring me by scrubbing my websites, articles, radio shows and book. They've even made it difficult for me to receive donations from my readers and listeners by closing my Patreon and other donation service sites I've opened in the past. It doesn't get any lower than when your enemies are taking food off of your table, keep you from buying the medication you need and keep you from being able to even go online everyday. They would very much like to see myself and others like us starve to death and stay out of this genocidal war they've started on and offline! If you still don't think that our Aryan Race is being genocided and actively at war, well... ask yourself why they will do everything they can to take food off of my table. Ask yourself why my work is constantly censored. Ask yourself why my articles, websites and radio station are constantly being scrubbed from the internet, which forces me to find other more creative ways to get my content back up so all of you can read and listen to my important message.

I wish all of my readers and listeners the best. Please stay safe, do your part to defend our Aryan Race and be sure to tune into Revision Media to listen to my show and to the other hosts who have a similar message as myself..

Never Forget...

(If you'd like to donate and help me do battle, please use the PayPal DONATE Button at the top left of the website, or go to PayPal, sign in and donate to my email)

Thanks again, Folks...

~William de Hewitt

de Hewitt House of Publications and Radio


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