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Mike Sledge's The Laughwaffe Strike: Interview 1 w/ William de Hewitt

Welcome to The Strike, Folks!
William de Hewitt and Mike Sledge are at it again!

This episode of The Laughwaffe Strike, I, William de Hewitt discussed the real History of South Africa starting from the founding of the Cape Colony, the Boer Republics, the Anglo-Boer Wars, the jew created apartheid era which was created in the Junited Kingdom, the jew giving the niggroid power in 1994 up to the current day genocide.
William also discusses Aryan Spirituality and much more in hour two...

Sorry, I'm not sure how to embed BitChute videos. If anyone knows how to, please consider sharing your knowledge with me in the comments...

Click address above to listen

William was actually my (Mike Sledge) first guest on The Strike. I had technical issues with uploading. I was able to recover this episode from last week and release it now. Sorry for the Delay. This should actually be Episode 11. William currently lives in S. Africa and reports on the struggles of our people in that part of the world. He is also an author and excellent researcher into the decline of western civilization and the enemy we face. Enjoy this long awaited broadcast.

check out all of Mike Sledge's Laughwaffe Strike broadcasts here:


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