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The Aryan Way: Black Monday 2017 In South Africa: Why are We On Our Knees When We're Being Genocided?

The Aryan Way:
Black Monday 2017 In South Africa: 
Why are We On Our Knees When We're Being Genocided?

William de Hewitt gets to the bottom of the event known as "Black Monday." An organization called Afriforum, which I came to the conclusion that it is a CONtrolled opposition group to lead good hearted Boers and Aryans astray and to make us complacent, so we will not stand up for ourselves and defeat our enemies whom are genociding us, is thoroughly examined.
Our enemies want us to think to ourselves... Don't worry, goyim. Afriforum will take care of business for you... you can just sit back and relax... Afriforum will end the genocide for us! RUBBISH! Afriforum has publicly stated "there is no genocide of Whites happening in South Africa."

Don't be foolish, Folks... We Boers and Aryans in South Africa MUST stand up for ourselves and eliminate our jew and niggroid enemies if we are to survive! Don't be the next victim of a savage pack of niggroids who only want to "enrich" our country.


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